Jenny Phillips Helps LDS Young Women

By Louis A. Wotring

Jenny Phillips is an inspired recording vocalist with meaningful connections to the LDS young women. Jenny puts the annual theme for the young women of the Church Of Jesus Christ Latter-Day Saints to music each year in CD form.

In 2012, the LDS theme is entitled Rise And Shine Forth, which happens to be the name of Jenny's newest CD. The big response to Jenny's passionate songs featuring that message has generated more than 500,000 CD's sold. Jenny has a significant audience that has furnished enduring praise for the artist's enlightening music and inspirational message.

The LDS President, Henry B. Erving, describes the LDS young women as the pillars for a higher level of morality and a force against the exploitation of women that is rampant in the U.S. The LDS young women are encouraged to follow their faith in body and faith.

While the Church inspires virtue, young women are asked to be modest in their attire, their opinions and their actions, including the use of social media. Jenny Phillips' new recordings deliver these messages in perfect musical lyrics that are enriched by the artist's real commitment to these very beliefs.

All members of the church of Jesus Christ Latter-Day Saints embrace Jenny's message that encourages young women to sustain their loyalty to Jesus Christ. For followers of LDS, Jesus Christ is their purpose, their reason to exist and the foundation of their existence.

As the LDS young women develop in mind and body, they often find themselves re-examining the testimonies of the Book of Mormon. The Young Women are regarded as the protectors of virtue.

All Jenny's music is designed to support, encourage and inspire these guardians of virtue. The testimonies in the Book of Mormon often serve as inspiration for the music and for the audience members who desire to Arise and Shine Forth.

Over time, many LDS young women have turned to Jenny's CD's to enjoy the peace their faith is for the virtuous. Jenny has been graced to read so many notes of appreciation from followers of her religion. Jenny's commitment to her church comes through in her lyrics that often seem to come from deep within herself where there is an unwavering connection to Jesus Christ.

Jenny's perspective is mentally and spiritually compelling. Jesus Christ is the main figure in all Jenny's music. When LDS young women hear Jenny's Rise and Shine Forth CD, they will better understand their own conviction to Jesus Christ and the 2012 Latter-Day Saint's goals.

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