Enjoying Bharatanatyam Classes In Los Angeles

By Melody Lyons

Founded in southern India, Bharata Natyam is an Indian classical dance with over 2000 years of uncorrupted history. Its name is taken from the words Bhava, Raga, Tala and Natyam which respectively mean expression, music, rhythm and dance. Its popularity has spread that people can now take Bharatanatyam classes Los Angeles.

Originally, the dance was meant to be a form of worship as it was performed in Hindu temples within Tamil Nadu. The movements used for the dance were like that of flames, as it celebrates the beauty and influence of fire to the bodies of human beings.

Restricted to be practiced in India as a way of worshiping, the dance was not known to the western world until Rukmini Devi Arundale made an effort to do so. She was the one who encouraged males to participate in this what used to be a female only dance.

The dance depicts expressive gestures, crisp geometrical movements and mystical poses with intricate leg and finger figures. It is not easy to learn the dance that it takes about 10 to 12 years for the guru to finally allow the public performance of her disciples.

Certain qualifications for the dancers were outlined in ancient evidences. Dancers need to have intelligence, balance, hard work, gracefulness, agility, steadiness, and great ability to sing and speak in order to be considered. As for women, the physical stature and beauty matters. Dancers all need to be slender, beautiful, and large eyed.

Not only does the dance require physical beauty, it also requires costumes and accessories. Dancers were their paijamas and their jackets made from silk as well as ornaments to the hair, head, eyes, neck, hands and feet. The music for the dance is produced by the instruments flute, Veena, Mridangam and violin.

It is a good idea to take bharatanatyam classes los angeles. Aside from ensuring physical health, it is also a way of meditating to keep your peace of mind and creativity. You just have to select the right school and guru to work with in order to learn well.

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