All You Have Wanted to Know About the Djembe Drum

By Ruth Williams

The djembe drum is classified as a hand drum and unlike other types of drums it is solely played with the hands rather than a mallet or drumstick. Part of the reason the djembe is so popular is that it has a colorful history behind it. A music group that has a djembe adds a new aspect that accentuates the music's beat. This article answers some of the questions which may be asked before buying a djembe drum.

What is the definition of a Djembe drum?

Traditional Djembe drums are goblet shaped, carved from a single log and covered with goat skin as the drumhead. A contemporary style might be fiberglass and its cover would be a synthetic material. Regardless of how advanced you are, impressive sounds can be achieved from either type.

Which area originated the Djembe?

Such drums came from the country of Mali in Western Africa. This kind of drum originated with and is important to the Mandika community. Legend has it that these drums traditionally contain the spirits of three beings. The wood reflects the tree spirit, the hide covering reflects the animal spirit, and the spirit of the one who has made it is also there.

The way the Mandika tells it, the original djembe was a gift to them from djinn, and it was believed to be a mythological being or even a genie. This person allegedly taught them the way to create a drum plus showed them how to play the drum. This has given it a spiritual significance for them.

What type of sounds are associated with the Djembe?

These types of drums are very versatile with the sounds that can be made using three simple hand motions. The three are the slap, tone, and base. The base is caused by striking the ball of the hand on the center of the head. This makes a deeper, rounder sound. The tone is created by hitting the edge of the drum with the base of the fingers when they are very relaxed. The sound produced is higher and somewhat dull. The slap and the tone are made with the same movement, but with the former the fingers bounce off the head and make a ringing sound that is sharper. By combining these movements of the hand lots of new sounds can be created, which makes this a quite versatile drum.

Is it possible to tune these drums?

They say that with these drums, the tighter, the better. The best way to fix a drum that sounds flat is to tighten up the loose supporting stings until the drum sounds clear. This is a bit of a job as the drum is strung with a large number of these to keep an even pressure on the goat skin head.

Such a drum is easy to play and blends well with the other instruments in the group. The djembe is so versatile and simple that everyone who wants to play should try it out.

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